Thursday, March 19, 2015

Sweet Sister Toomer--she is so amazing! Not sure if these will be her last letters or not...since she comes home in...wait for it... 5.5 days!!!!!!!! We are dying of excitement!

What a week! So to start off the week we got a new investigator Niami! She's awesome but is catholic not for long though;) but then it kinda went down hill from there this week was nuts! We literally thought we were going to do so good cuz we had members to lessons with investigators but more than half of them cancelled and the other half were not home. It's okay though cuz we stuck with it and found more ppl to teach. There is this lady named Yesenja that said she was searching for something like this when we introduced her to the Book of Mormon. So ya lots of potential :) Hesus dropped off the face of the earth. We can't find him..but Corrin came to church again and said that all the talks were speaking to her. I'm noticing that when one door closes there is always more openings to those the Lord is preparing. I love doing the Lord's work! I just can't believe sometimes that he trust this crazy Sister to be his instrument :) Keep keeping on! 
Sister Toomster!
Wow this week went by's kinda a blur but it was super fun! Sister Pugh is a gogetter and the sisters we serve are so much fun too. I went on exchange with a sister that left her mission but came back and she is so cool! She just has that amazing drive and desire to serve the Lord. I learned a lot from her. Then we did some sweet service we sanded sheet rock and sorted food for food banks. And the manager lady gave us some cool feedback she said if your boss guy ever asks we really like his missionaries;) No worries I told the big man upstairs! Church was awesome as well we had this amazing member who has A.L.S. which means his body is slowly dying and he is in a wheel chair. He spoke and it was inspirational he said that he was the luckiest guy ever despite everything because he has the gospel. Then he said something that I'll never forget, he said "God gave us mountains and he sometimes doesn't move them for us but he always helps us climb them." I know that's true!! God is always there! I love being part of his work:) Love you all!!
Sister Toomer aka I grow on ya;) 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

 Here is Sister Toomer's latest...only a few more weeks!!! Ahh!!

Oh ya it really is! This week was wonderful I got to go on a couple exchanges and one of them was with my MTC buddy Sister Groesbeck. Ya that's right we were the Groesbeck Toomers :) I love last names. It was a blast because we have both grown so so much spiritually and everywhere else in between!
Then I went on another exchange with a hermana (sister in spanish) she has only been out 7months but probably knows more than this old one. She is so spirit driven and loves the Lord it was awesome! I learned a lot from her and I also learned a little tiny tiny bit of spanish! Mostly Jesus Christ lives (vive) . That's all they needed to know from this crazy english speaking missionary;) 
The Lord blessed me with English speaking..because I was thinking missionary work is hard without the language thing. So I totally respect the people that did both!
So during exchanges with Hermana Cannon my eyes were burnning I just thought it was my contacts so I took them out and did the exchange. Then the next day one of my eyes had like goober stuff and was super read and sensitive. I still didn't think much of it and went to ward council. I sat across the RS president and she looked at me funny and said Sister Toomer you need to go home you have pink eye. Good thing in ward council we had an eye doctor and he confirmed it. Lame sauce so I missed church and had to stay in cuz I guess it's super contagious. But good news it's going away!!! I just have to clean this key board after I'm done with that's why it's so great to be alive! ;) 
Thank you for all your love and support! I love you all!
Sister Toomer
PS Seahawks are going to the Super Bowel!!

It's been a crazy week like always. No worries I no longer have pink-eye it went away fast which was a blessing:) This week was awesome! I had an interview with President Ware. He's so sweet and thinks I'm pretty legit. Ya I got him fooled ;) wants me to keep keeping on which I am trying with the Lord's help and so far so good! We followed up with a older lady that we tracted into and taught her the restoration and she agreed to it all! Her names Dora oh ya she's explora! She's so cool! Then of course I went on a couple exchanges. One of them was with Sis Camplese the sister I trained:) It was sweet cuz I got to see her progressing and working super hard. We just remanised like all day it was awesome!
Then I went with a spanish sister to her area. I'm understanding the language more and more:) And the spirit is always the same awesomeness! I love it! Serving the sisters is way fun. It seems like they teach me more than I do. 
Also I am in a trio again :) it's Sister Peatross, Donnelly and Toomer it's pretty much a missionary party everyday! We picked up Sis Donnelly wednesday she was serving in Zillah and her comp went to Kenn. they had to be moved. Sorry I can't really tell you all the details. But we are enjoying Sis Donnelly she's super funny and we all laugh all the time. 2nephi2:25 Thanks to all of you I'm finding that joy and especially through my Savior! I know he lives and loves us all! Because of him we are able to live with our Heavenly Father once again! I love this great news and sharing it with others brings me that Joy!
Thank you for all the prayers and letters you send my way! 
Love you all!
Sister Toomer

It was a pretty great week! We had tons of spiritual lessons and Joe one of our investigators came to a baptism. Of course he felt the spirit but he is a catholic so his pastor is worried about him. Although he says he still wants to meet with us! So that's a plus! And Bill our recent convert bore his testimony yesterday which was amazing!!  He said he felt at home! Those are the moments I love on the mish. It was a great testimony meeting which was wonderful cuz Lynda finally came to church!! She said she liked it:) I'm praying she will get baptized soon! Silly word of wisdom gets a lot of ppl but the with the Lord's help anything is possible! Hey and more good news a recent convert in Pendleton Cynthia Ross is going through the temple soon I don't know when but I hope I can go. That would be so cool!
This week we have a leadership meeting and we will know what will happen for transfers on Sat...dun dun dun! What do you think will I end my mish in Yakima or go somewhere else. I'll let you know next week;) Love you all!
Sister Toomer
PS there are some sad seahawks fans over here ready to hear the gospel;) 

Wait for it...I'm staying! Oh ya Yakima is not sick of me yet;) I'm super excited!! I love living with the Olanders and there is a lot of potential progress coming up! It was legit, on sunday I gave a talk about missionary work and invited pretty much everyone we talked to and 4 investigators came!!
I was beaming of course and they said they want to come again!! Sherri and Dustin our investigators was one that came. She told us that her cat was bugging her and trying to get her to wake up and the cool part is that the cat doesn't usually do that! I love how the Lord works:) 
Sister Peatross is going to Wenatchee and Donnelly is going to Richland crestview! My old area:) She'll rock it. Now they have a car...that's alright when I was there walking built character and a nice tan;) 
Funny story so we were teaching Joe about the restoration and this guys older and half Mexican and kinda goes on a lot of tangents. He tells us about his care giver and how he sometimes wants to beat the devil out her. haha all three of us don't know what to say so he laughs then we finally laugh...
Love it! Being in this trio has really taught me to find the joy in doing the Lord's work. I really do love being here and to be able to share the thing that has helped me so much with others!
I know that the atonement is real! Christ Lives!! We are apart of HIS church!! Heavenly Father wants all of us back! It's a blessing to help my brothers and sisters come back to him!
Love you all!!
Happy VAlentines!
Sister Toominator

So this transfer is going to be insane not just because my crazy awesome companion is having me get up at 6am to do insanity but because the work is progressing and it's so legit! Sister Pugh works really hard and I love it she keeps me going :) And Sister Olander aka Erin who just came back from her mission in Africa is awesome! She comes out with us and tries to get her friends to listen to the message that we have. I'm just really blessed!
It was way cool yesterday we took a laurel out with us but appointment after appointment canceled. So I was thinking man this sisters going to change her mind about a mission but then the Lord blessed us! Like always:) We taught this young dad about the plan and asked him if he would be baptized and he said yes! Perseverance is key! It's so good:) I still keep learning and learning. I love it! And Orlando the recent convert that got baptized in Nov. bore his testimony in Ward conference:) I felt so proud I can only imagine how Heavenly Father feels ;) Oh ya and Bill is getting his patriarchal blessing! 
Life is great can't complain! Love you all and appreciate all that you do for me!!
Have a great week!
Sister Toomer

What a week! All my days are kinda off I can't believe it's a thursday but the temple was so amazing and peaceful! It was worth it!! Haha so lots have happened! Funny story on Saturday we were contacting ppl and have been trying to get in with a guy named Hesus who is like 30yrs old and has a couple kids but he has been super busy. So we called the Hesus that is in our phone and he says he is working and wants to meet with us and will let us know. Then a couple nights later the Hesus on our phone txt us and says he can meet that night so we are like "score" we call an awesome member and get them to come..Hesus txt us back and says he is going to be late since he has to walk to the church. So we have the member pick him up. The members walk in the church and behind him was Hesus but not the Hesus we had been trying to get in with. Instead it was a 19year old skater kid hahah so we play it off acting like he was the one we were looking for the whole time and give him a church tour, Teach him the restoration and ask him if he wants to get baptized. He said Yes! And luckily that night there was a YSA activity so we got him fellowshipped in there. It was a happy coincidence! I love how the Lord works! It was a testimony to me that this is the Lord's work and not ours;) I probably would have messed it up a long time ago. Then one day we had lessons after lessons it was so fun I love sharing this gospel! The work really is booming here and Corrin who we meet outside of her house smoking came to church and she brought a notebook and took tons of notes. And then we had Zone Conference so where missionaries close to our area meet and talk about how we can be better missionaries and stuff. And there I gave my departing testimony:) so weird but it's good! Thank you all for your support and love!
Love you!
Sister Toomer
Ps The pic of all the sisters is who I'm kinda responsible for as an Sister Training Leader:)
and us at the temple today!

Weird it feels like I was just 4 days ago. Time is flying! But it has been legit! We found 5 New Investigators this week who want to get baptized!! We introduced them to the BOM and took the challenge we got from an area of 70 Elder Arnold and have been seeing miracles!! It's so awesome! I love to see the change the gospel brings to ppl. Like Bill! Yesterday he showed up to chruch in a white shirt and tie and nice pants. This is the Bill who is in the wheel chair who usually wears pajama pants and a collared shirt. But not only do they change physically but also spiritually you can see the light! It's the best!
Oh man and of course there is always opposition in all things. There was this middle aged guy we ran into walking to a baptism and he wanted to know where the nearest coffee place is. Why he asked two Sister Missionaries where some coffee is is beyond me but luckily I knew there was a Starbucks close cuz I was desperate and had to use the bathroom there I felt bad but that was the closest place, Anyway, We were talking to him about God and he said look around your girls there is no God. And we said back, "ya look around you all of this is evidence that there is a God." It was super sad cuz he had no hope and you could tell he was miserable and anything we said he rejected it by telling us that we were wasting our time...I know we were supposed to meet him though even if he thought we were crazy for letting him know that God cared about him. 
We are so blessed to have this gospel and it's true it does bring the happiness you can't find anywhere else! I love it!!
haha and just so you know we are being takin care of over here in Washington. There is this lady that likes to go on a lot of walks and we ran into her last week and then again this week. She had prayed that she would run into us again cuz she thought we were crazy for walking around she taught us some self defense and said she would keep an eye out for us! So I got this funny lady watching and God watching over us we are set!
Love you all!
Sister Toominator

Saturday, January 17, 2015

I had such good intentions when I started this blog for Sister Toomer...I was going to post after each letter/ was going to be great!! Well......we all know how that turned out! I haven't posted since November! Sheesh!

Wow time is flying thanksgiving is tomorrow! So as you can tell this is not our normal pday day;) An area of the 70 came to the mission so he spoke to us on monday. It was such an answer to my prayers. Cuz we were trying to see how we could help our investigators progress and he just taught by the spirit that I knew my Heavenly Father was just smilling and saying here you go. Then we applied what we were taught and Tyler is set to be baptized Dec 12!! 
Then we went on exchanges yesterday with some amazing Sisters and the one I was with had been a less-active member that changed her life around they are so awesome! I think they teach me more than I teach them anything. I love this work and helping our brothers and sisters is priceless!
We found a way cool lady the other day named Corrine we taught her the restoration and she just obsorbed it all up telling us that it made perfect sense! I love when that happens. Cuz we have all heard this in the pre-existence and we are just rekindling their memory.
For thanksgiving we are eating dinner with the Olanders the ppl we live with! Love them! Then we are going to check on the widows in the ward and some investigators and less-actives. Should be great! 
I am so grateful for all of you and hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!! Love you all so much!
Sis Toominator
 22 more days until this Sister is going to have her golden Bday!!!!!!!!!!! 
And yes I did have a great Thanksgiving!! The Olanders spoiled us with an amazing traditional dinner the turkey probably was my favorite it was very moist and seasoned to perfection. But more importantly I am so grateful for this time to serve my brothers and sisters. 
Bill has a desire to get baptized AGAIN! He just needs to stop smoking electronic cigarettes. So please keep him in your prayers. 
Then Tyler wants to get baptized as well!! He is a great kid but didn't come to church yesterday he was definitely missing out. We were talking about the enabling power of the atonement at church and that's so what I needed! It's so real I know it is because I've felt it! I really do love this gospel!! And I love this time of year it seems like more ppl are getting into the Christmas spirit which is always refreshing. Last wednesday when we had pday and we were shopping we told everyone that we saw Happy Thanksgiving. haha ppls reactions were priceless some were shocked that someone even talked to them and others thanked us. I know that small things really do make a big difference. Thank you all for making a difference in my life! Love you!
Sis Toomer
ps still hasn't snowed here...lame I know send us some of your snow;)   

We got to go to the temple today! I love it everytime and I learn more and more each time I go!!! I love being a part of this wonderful gospel! It's so so true!! 
Bill bore his testimony this sunday! It was amazing not gonna lie I get nervous when investigators bare their testimony cuz you think of all the things you have taught them and ya...well luckily we taught by the spirit so his testimony was phenomenal!!!!!!! He told everyone that he wants to be baptized the start of this year so Jan 3rd is his date! I'm so happy for him!
He was concerned about his wife though cuz she is going to church with her daughter at a non-denominational place but she still listens to the lessons. I know eventually she will come back too;)
And we finally had a lesson with Bob and Lynda and it was super sweet cuz Lynda in her prayer apologized for ditching out on us and prayed that we could come back and she made us homemade banana bread. Not only do they love us but you can really tell that they love God which is always the best! Even better than banana bread but they do come close;) jk
Then we were tracting (knocking on doors) and three ppl let us in which never happens. They actually listened to what we had to say which was sweet some weren't super interested but some were! I love this work and I'm realizing more and more that it's the Lord's mission and he could do it without me but he's helping me learn some wonderful things!! 
I almost forgot but we were teaching this super smart doctor Lutheran guy and applied what an area of 70 told us to do and have kneeling prayers. We did that and the lesson was totally directed by the spirit. It was way cool we asked him to be baptized and he said yes! Then my comp felt impressed to tell him that that would mean he would have to leave his church. And he was like of course I would it only makes sense. And this is a guy that does a ton for the Lutheran church!! It was so awesome!! We had our member that we live with come with us and that night she was super stolked that she had a hard time sleeping...she asked us how we do it all the time. It was funny. I love this work and I appreciate all the support and love you send my way!! Love you all!
This month is flying and this week! So since wednesday. Sister Peatross and I have done 2 exchanges. One with spanish sisters and the other with just english they were legit! I didn't go to the spanish area but the hermana came to our area. It was way sweet cuz we we worked hard while haveing fun! Then the exchange with the other sisters I went to their ward party ohhh ya funural potatos are the idk why but I love them! And not only that but we found this guy named Ron that reminded me a lot of Dad. He was a track coach and a teacher that knew that God cared and would share that love with his students. It was awesome! We taught him the restoration on the doorstep! He just soaked it all up. It was cool cuz I could just see him totally getting baptized someday! And good news Bill quiet the electronic cigarettes on his own!!! He is so close to getting baptized! I'm so happy for him! Then as a ward we went carolling after church to investigators, less actives and members. It was sweet cuz you could just see their hearts softening:) I love this work! And sweet news our mission is going to be split into 2 missions on July. There is going to be a Yakima mission and a Kennewick mission! Cool huh the work is hastening and God is giving me this great opportunity to be a part of it! Love you all!!! 
 Man it was such a great week!! The best part was probably yesterday because not only did Bill and Ruth come to church but we had a new investigator come AND wait for it....BOB came to church!!!!!!!! Yay finally it was like Heavenly Father giving us an early Christmas :) We had great lessons with the spirit there of course:) And cats that were dressed as santas. We even helped a fam put up there Christmas. I love this time of year ppl are super nice and love to talk about Christ! We helped with a breakfast at an assistated living place which was fun. The ppl there were joking with us and thought we were really good help and wanted us to come back! 
Plus this week I get to see all my fam minus the little Bro but still it will be great! And I'll get to see Elder Toomer later:) I was thinking it will be like a preview of what Heaven will be like but not! Merry Christmas everyone!!! Thank you for all the Birthday and Christmas wishes!!!!! Love ya!
Sister Toomer
Thank you thank you for making this Christmas super amazing! I seriously got spoiled Christmas and Birthday!! I'm the luckiest Sister ever!! 
This week was legit we had great lessons on my bday and Bob and Lynda made me a cake and got me lotion. It was awesome! Then for Christmas eve we had dinner with a young couple that just had a baby so they didn't go to their families for the holidays so they spent it with us. That was nice. And then on Christmas Sis. Peatross and I got up at 6:29am and waited for the alarm to go off lol then rushed up stairs and opened presents had breakfast with our district. And Wait for it...I saw my fam!! That was the best part!! The little ones are growing so fast! And Cason and Bayla talked to me and said they loved me! It was precious!! 
After that we caroled all night to lots of ppl. It was a great Christmas!
Thanks again! And good news I'm staying in Yakima with sis Peatross!! It's gong to be awesome!! And ya that's right I'm a 6month missionary :) Love you all! Have a wonderful New Year!!
Pics Bob and Lynda and my comp
Oh man what a good start to the year! Bill finally got baptized and confirmed this weekend! In sunday school he said that he felt like he was finally home! Moments like those are when I absolutely love being a missionary!! He looked so good in white and I can just see him going through the temple.
Ruth loved the baptism (that's Bill's wife) she wasn't feeling good prior to the baptism so we asked the Elders if they could give her a blessing and they did. When we left she said she called us and said she felt so much better! I know the priesthood really does work! It's amazing!!
I'm stolked I'm staying in Yakima I do love the members and the ppl we are working with. We just need to find more and more and more but with the Lord's help we got this! Thank you for all your support and love!!
Keep keeping on!
Sis Toominator
PS this is Bill and Ruth:) He had a stroke awhile back that is why he is in a wheel chair but he is super bright he read the whole BOM before he got baptized!
What a week! It has been a roller coaster. So a set of sisters lived with us while their members they live with where gone for a funeral. Unfortunately, they don't get along so it was kinda frustrating because as a missionary you just want the spirit all the time and contention is the worst. But no worries we encouraged them to go to God and I know that everything will work out. It's a good learning experience for sure! 
So ya I am still with Sister Peatross she's legit. I have learned so much from her. She is so patient and loving. I'm going to work harder on that for sure. Oh ya and we did service for this family that had really bad insulation so we hammered down their roof. It was so much fun! Haha our ward mission leader calls us home-wreckers now.  
And there have been some really cool experiences we were lost on where we needed to go and of course the spirit guided us. We went to a ladies that almost never answers and she finally did! She said she had missed us and was going to call us right when we knocked on her door! It was awesome the Lord knows best! There were tons of those moments this week I love it!! Then we had the leadership meeting as well which is always so spiritual and just makes you want to be a little bit better and do a little bit more. 
Thank you for all your support and help! Have a wonderful week! 
Sister Toomer

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Winter is here!

Hey! This week was great as always. Sister Gamble headed to Moses Lake on Wednesday and Sister Peatross came here. It was sad to see Sis. Gamble leave she was one really hard worker but I got blessed with another amazing comp. We get along really well and yes another Sister from Utah. I've had all my companions from Utah except Sister Camplese from Cali. But ya Bill and Ruth are still so amazing. This week Bill has had a hard time with his memory and forgets where he's at so Ruth is worried..we had a lesson with them and talked about being physically healthy will help us spiritaully. Then we asked if they were coming to church and Ruth told us no but Bill was so sad he said Ruth I've been praying to go to church all week. So we offered to have a member help him get to church since he is in a wheel chair. I love Bill's faith and both of them are great examples of humility and trying there best to be like there Savior! I love it! Orlando is finally going to get baptized this friday! He's a way cool kid he runs like 6miles everytime to our lessons and he did yesterday to church man dedication. It's fun to see people grow in the gospel! Thank you all for being great examples to me and for all the support! Love you!
Sister Toomer
 I love you all!!! Ya so this week was up and down literally. Orlando did get baptized! Woot woot he is awesome he has such a desire to come unto Christ and he invited his non-member friends to the baptism and they came:) they are so next on the list jk they liked the baptism but weren't super interested but still. 
Then we had 2 exchanges with Sisters we are over one was english and the other was spanish so that was fun. They both came to our area cuz my comp is new to the area so I showed them what not to do;) jk we had a really good time and I learned so much from both of them. 
But the poor Spanish sister is a greenie and we went to a lesson with Bill and Ruth and Bill pretty much dropped us. :( he said that he was going to another church with his family and that he didn't want to meet with us as much. Ugh saten hates us but I took it pretty good. I told him to keep reading and praying and that family was important. Man but I just wanted to cry but I didn't because we were on exchanges and I didn't want this new missionary to think I'm crazy or someting. 
We had stake conference too! And return missionaries were giving there testimony it was weird to think I could be that someday but I got a while;) 
Then we went tracting after church and there was this guy that was trying to save our souls because we believed in the BOM and he read us the end of  Revelations like 3 times saying that we need to repent basically and just believe in the bible. I bore my testimony of the Book of Mormon and he totally shot me down man I couldn't help it cuz tears just kept flowing down it was kinda embarrassing. But it was awesome cuz at that moment I felt God's love and his reassurance that I was telling him the truth so it was all good then his little girl was adorable and she gave us a flower and the guy said a prayer for us. It all ended good I just cracked but no worries I know that something good is in store and that there always has to be an opposition to all things. 
Thank you for all your support! This week was sweet with all the letters the Olanders( the ppl I live with call me the queen of mail) and I really appreciate it thank you!! 
Love you all! Sweet the small stuff they make a world of difference.
Sister Toomer
(pics Orlando's baptism and Sister's we share cars with)
This week was pretty darn good. Haha Orlando did not get confirmed this weekend he decided to go to Seattle...why you ask...well we have no idea but he did tell us and he is reading his scriptures so that's good! We also had some really spiritual lessons with Bob and Lynda. Bob was from Cheyne WA. but he moved to Yakima with his mom Lynda. Bob had been taking the missionary discussions over there and we got a referral to go visit him. haha and we didn't know how to purnounce his last name cuz it was douthit. So we were thinking it was a prank like doubt this Sisters but come to find out he's legit and wanted to meet with us. The sister missionaries found him through sincere pray...They had been getting names in their head and one was Bob (and there was other names but I forgot) they asked their ward mission leader if he knew anyone by that name and it was his neighbor. Bob tells the story better but he was shocked cuz at the time he was going through a really rough time and lo and behold the Lord knew! Of course he did! And I can't believe we thought he was a joke...terrible that's why I need to work and my faith. 
But ya we talked about going to church and why we needed it and how this is the church that has the authority to act in God's name. And our member that came with us gave a powerful testimony about that and man I soo thought that that would get them to church but they didn't. That's alright next week.
Then we were told to talk to this lady that is from Idaho Falls that's visiting her daughter and she wants to get baptized but she's working out things with her husband so that's why she is in Yakima. But we get to keep her on the path towards baptism:) while she's visiting. 
There was a Relief Society broadcast thing and Linda Burton spoke. It was so good and Percila the Idaho lady came! So that was a plus!!! 
The Olanders the ones we live with have 2missionaries out in foreign countries and she's already getting their Christmas ready! So weird but tis the season. Yes I'm already singing Christmas songs:) But for Halloween we are supposed to be in our place by 6pm. And the Olanders are so sweet they got us pumkins for us to carve so I'll for sure send some pics of that!
Oh ya and we had a sweet experience with knocking on doors. So there was this guy about my age that answers the door and we introduce ourselves and he's like we are all saved here. Then I asked how they came to know Christ and they let us in! There was like 4 of them that were there and one of the girls kept asking us questions cuz she was a theologist and studied religions but wasn't really familiar with that was way cool! We taught them the restoration and gave them a B.O.M. then at the end they wanted to pray for us so we were like ya of course! So they like put their hands on our shoulder and prayed but they were like messaging our shoulders and some were like hmm and praise the lord type was different but then they finished and after a guy my age turns to me and is like is there someone in your family that is suffering from cancer and I was like is it because of the name...jk I didn't say that but I thought it lol They were super nice! It was just different but it's cool to relate to different religions:)
I for sure know that the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the Lord's church here on the earth! We do have the priesthood authority! I love it!
Thank you for all that you do and I hope you all have a wonderful Halloween!
Sis Toomer  

Oh ya it was a party! We met with Bob and Lynda and they say the "Toomers" growing on me...( I get that a lot) they are way cool they read and pray just but they just don't come to church. Lame sauce I know but Tyler a 16year old we are teaching did. It was way cool to see him there and it was a very spiritual sacrement so that was a plus!
For Halloween we had dinner with members that cooked us some hotdogs that were mummy wraps and fingers and just cute fun Halloween food. Then we had to be in by 6pm and so the Olanders bought us pumkins and I carved Toomer :) as you can tell I'm very proud of that name! 
Yesterday my comp got sick and it was her Birthday that was kinda sad but she is a trooper. She's super positive all the time so she just slept a lot while I went with another sister and worked. So it was not to bad.
This week is Missionary Leadership Correlation so I'm pumped for that! It's when all the Leaders get together with President and we try to help the mission be better and it's super spirtual so that's always the best! 
I'll let you know how that goes! I love you all so much and appreaciate your support:)
Sister Toominator
Really good week!! Why you ask well here it Orlando finally got confirmed!!! Wohooo! He almost didn't this weekend cuz he wanted Bishop to but he was out of town but with the spirit we convinced him:) And he wore a tux! It was super good! Then Bill the one that dropped us a couple weeks back apologizes for dropping us and said he found an answer that he needs to go back to church!!! And he did! Ruth is still going with her daughter but wishes she could come...her daughter gets really nervous in big crowds or something. 
And a Less-Active member came to church! That always is the best cuz they are less active and they finally come;) and my companion is feeling tons better. Not throwing up anymore which is always a plus. I think she had the flew or something. 
Oh ya and we had our missionary leadership council. Those are always the best! Cuz we get to go to the tri-cities all day and receive training on how we can help the mission. I got to see Sister Gamble which was pretty sweet and a lot of the sisters that came out with me are now STLs so that's awesome. It's crazy I recognize a lot of missionaries now after being here for awhile. The missions always so great! I love how much it teaches and how I can strive everyday to be more like my Savior!
I love you all so so much!!!!!!!!!!!
Sister Toominator  

Man this week it has been chilly! But no worries the work still goes on!!! Bob and Lynda committed to be baptized! Miracle I know! They haven't set a date yet but I'm pretty sure it's in the works:) They just need to come to church. They are so missing out! Church is the and you really do get that renewal from the sacrament that is essential for overcoming anything in life. Tyler also said he would be baptized as well! Right now he has some girlfriend issues and family issues but nothing that the gospel can fix;) There so much potential it's awesome! I hope that all goes well and it will especially with the Lord's help!! We are doing a lot of service which is sweet! The mission is doing a justserve thing where the missionaries and members do community service and so that ppl will see us as ppl helping out instead of just strangers knocking on doors. It's pretty fun! We went to a place where we bagged food for kids that don't get meals on the weekends. It was a humbling experience and we are really really blessed! There is so much to be thankful for:)
Oh ya I'm not going to get transferred!! I'm really excited because I'm staying with Sister Peatross and I love her she's super fun and we get along really well! Sister Camplese is coming close to our area so I get to be her Sister Training Leader which means I go an exchange with her and her comp and we check in on them every now and then. I'm so excited to see her and catch up! 
I really do love this work and feel privileged to help my brothers and sisters understand the truth so that they can make it back to God's presence! Thank you for all the support and love you send this way!!! I love you all and hope you have a wonderful week!
Love Sister Toomer

Friday, October 10, 2014

Sister Toomer's Latest!

I can't believe she comes home so soon.....looking like the end of this coming February!! So crazy!!!

Here are Sister Toomer's latest letters/emails:

I'm in Yakima and loving it! Companion is phenomenal! Super hard worker her name is Sister Gambel so ya we are gambeling with Toomers over here ;) Woot woot! When I first got here she had an appointment planned and members there! It was so cool! We have just been working hard so time is really flying. I can't believe it's already Monday!
We are teaching some awesome ppl. Bill and Ruth are a couple we are teaching and they are adorable they smoke but are cutting back. We taught them about eternal marriage and Bill purposed to Ruth and asked her to be sealed it was the coolest thing ever! I love it here! We are also teaching some teenage boys who are super legit and have great questions. I can so see them being a missionary someday! 

We have a baptism planned for the 28th of Sept so pray that goes through! It's Orlando he is 17 and loves the gospel he can tell it's helping with his happiness. He has had a hard childhood and claims independence so ya he's super cool!

I love you all a ton! Keep being happy and doing the little things they make a big difference! We get to go to the temple this transfer so our zone is going next week the 16th at 8am! Can't wait! So I'll probably email you on tuesday instead of wednesday.
Love ya!
Sister Toominator
Hey! So this week was AMAZING!!! So many awesome miracles. First off, Bill one of our investigators bore his testimony!!!!!! It was so spiritual and he mentioned that he can't wait for baptism and he is preparing everyday! He's just working on smoking. You can just tell that he loves it and lives it! Also his wife wants to get baptized with him! I kinda got a glimpse of what Heavenly Father feels like when we do what is right! So AWESOME!
Our STL meeting was so good! We were instructed to strive to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ everyday and sanctify or repent regularly. It was so good cuz I need that! And my companion and I have really tried to do the Lord's work HIS way! We have seen the spirit working with people just by talking to people and that's what we are trying to do is talk with everyone! 
At first that concept really was scary but as you look at people the way Christ would and think of them as our brothers and sisters it's a lot easier. 
Also Olando is getting baptized Oct 12! I'm so excited for him. He is such a great young man and has had a hard life but you can really see the atonement play a huge factor. I know the atonement is real I don't know what I would do without it! I love this gospel and this work! It's so true!!! 
Keep having faith and I know the Lord will help you with anything and everything! Lots of Love,
Sister Toomster!
Man where do I start!
So as you can tell I got to go to the temple today!! Wohooo! That's why I get to email you today instead of yesterday. It was so awesome my homies from Richland came and man that just made it even better! I got a taste of heaven with all the wonderful missionaries and the amazing members from the Crestview ward! I love them!!!
This week was pretty good as well we got to have a way fun FHE with Bill and Ruth. They are super ready to become members they are just overcoming smoking but Bill is down to 0 mg of nicotine and Ruth is going strong. My companion and I told her we would give up something we love as well to support her at this time so we are giving up icecream...ugh it's a killer but I think I might have been addicted so this is good for me;) Also we went over to Bill and Ruth's on sunday because they couldn't make it to church and come to find out the sea halks were playing...let's just say Bill is a fan. We asked him what we could do for him before we left and it was pretty funny he was like could you leave so I could finish the game. I totally thought of dad but not;) 
Anyway, Orlando moved his baptismal date to Oct 12 so Sister Gamble might be transferred by then but it was because the members that introduced him to the gospel is available then..but good thing he is willing to get baptized! 
We have been trying to show our faith and find more ppl ready to hear the gospel and have been semi successful but we are for sure seeing the lord's hand in it all:) I love it!
So being a Sister Training leader we go on exchanges with different sisters and this week we had two exchanges. I went to a place called Zillah for a day and worked with a Sister named Sister Dixon who is from New York she is super cute and just loves being a missionary it was a blast to work with her! And then Hermana Mohun came to our area and I got lost kinda a lot because I don't know the area and we taught someone just barely outside of our area but it was such a spiritual lesson. So ya still working on getting used to the area and have appreciated Sister Gamble for showing the ropes she is so awesome! I couldn't be more blessed!

 This week was a roller coaster for sure I have never realized how much my faith has grown until I take a step back. So it started out awesome! We had lessons after lesson and they were all spiritually filled and I went on an exchange with a super cool sister that just has a great desire to work. On the exchange there was this Less active lady that just broke my heart because she had been through some really terrible stuff and couldn't believe there was a god that would do that to her and so the spirit totally was there and we could not deny that there was a God it was awesome!!
Then there was this guy that moved to Yakima from somewhere in the rainy part of washington and he had been meeting with missionaries! He's really solid and knows the church is true! He just needs time and it's always in the Lord's timing. 
And then we had a church tour with another one of our investigator and the spirit was amazing and he said this is the church for him and wanted to get baptized! He came to church before the church tour and came yesterday and said that he felt unwelcome so he doesn't want to meet with him anymore...ugh saten but it's okay cuz I learned a lot from that and I know he knows the church is true.
But good news Bill and Ruth that are getting baptized soonish were not going to come to church cuz Bill has health problems then we came over and he said he felt better so we helped him get to church. And after he was thanking us! Man I love how the Lord works! It's the best to be a part of his work:)
Hope all is good! I love you!
Sister Toomer

This week was super crazy fun! So we got to go the temple like you know...Then the next day was a surprise a sister we are over went to the doctors and found out that her ovaries are dying so she needed to go home that day. She did and is okay! Her companion is with us and we are partying it up working hard style. We had so many lessons! That was fun the spirit was super strong. We taught a guy about the restoration and you could just see the light in him. I love it! then he went to Church and it was the primary program! Oh ya it's looking good! There are so many ready for the gospel It's the best! I'm so blessed to be a part of it! There is a sister in our ward that just got home from her mish and she says it's the worst cuz she loved her mish. So we are taking her out tonight so that might help:) Members are crucial for the Lord's work we need you so don't be afraid to share what you know! Keep going strong! I love you all! Oh ya my new comp is Sister Smith and no she isn't related to Joseph or Will... but she's still cool!

 Man what a great week! I went on exchanges again with an awesome Sister her names Sister Faulkner. She's so fun her humor is hilarious she's the type of person that cracks a joke but keeps a straight face and has a great desire to serve the Lord. It was fun! We did it in our trio so that was exciting. Actually it was really good cuz we went to one lesson to another.
There was this  lady that we saw getting into her car and she said to come back and we did and we told her about the restoration. It was awesome she was like I'm 35 and I've never heard of this before and when we said the first vision she wanted to write it down. Then when we gave her the Book of Mormon she thanked us like 5times. It was so cool the Lord really is preparing people to hear of the restored gospel. 
Then Orlando our investigator that is supposed to get baptized this weekend but wants to do it next weekend ran to all his appointments and he lives like 6miles away. It was so cool to see the dedication and faith he had. He's so ready! He went to the priesthood session of General Conference:) 
Speaking of General Conference wasn't it so amazing!! I loved every single talk!! And we had a couple investigators come and listen. I totally trust in our leaders and I know they will progress even more! I thought it was cool how the sacrement was brought up a couple times. I love that we can renew each of our covenants and be better and better each week. He really is the bread of life and the living waters. It was so good!
Oh ya transfers are this week. I'm staying in Yakima and Sister Gamble is headed to Moses Lake:) she was such a great companion and I'll get to see her at Leadership meetings so that will be good. I'm getting Sister Peatross she served in Richland when I was there so I know her and I'm excited to work with her. She is going to be a Sister Training Leader as well and I guess I have to show her the ropes. Guess we will see how that goes! I love you all and hope you have a great week! Keep doing the little things they make a bid difference!
Sister Toomer 

Monday, August 25, 2014

So long summer....

Has it really been that long since I've posted letters? I've been slacking!

Wow, August fleeeew by! Here is our amazing Sis's latest!

I love this work! I have really seen the fruits of our labors:) Yesterday one of our investigators bore there testimony and she said I really do believe that what we do in this church is good and from Christ. It was really cool I felt really proud and I knew my Heavenly Father was proud. Then in RS another one of the Less-active members bore her testimony on how we helped by just doing dishes and showing love that her Heavenly Father loved her and wanted her to come back to church! It was such a great day!

Then we knocked on a Baptist guy that was from Tennessee so I felt tied to Elder Toomer. That was so fun! We asked if we could say a prayer with him and he said yes then took our hands and we held hands while I prayed he kept amening and uhmmming it was AWESOME! I really do love this work and all the support you have given me!

I love you all so so much!

Sister Toomer

Where do I begin! Okay so Brandon Meneni finally got baptized with his twin daughters this weekend. He was the guy that got married to his girl that's a member and they had been with each other for 10years and had 4 kids together. We were their witnesses for their wedding and at his baptism I got to speak on baptism!! Wohoo! I'm so happy for that family!

Also one of our members brother got baptized. He lives in Walla-walla but he is always in Richland so we taught him the restoration and the Elders taught the rest. We couldn't go to his baptism because it was at the same time as Brandon's but it's okay.

Then this cute girl that's about our age got baptized this weekend!! She lives in our apartment complex with her dad every other weekend type of thing. We met her because silly me locked us out of our apartment and went to find the manager. The manager lives by the pool and she was swimming and there was some mean ladies that were being rude to her for wanting to join the LDS church. So we came to the rescue and team taught her the discussions with some Elders. It was meant to be!

I just love how the Lord works and I'm so blessed to be a part of this work!! Thank you for all your support and love!

Sister Toomer

Wow what a fast week! I can't believe I'm writing again. So this week was awesome we have been teaching people like crazy and that's my favorite part is the teaching. There is this 9year old girl named Kailyn that has made the awesome decision to get baptized on the 20th of Sept. Wohoo super excited for her! Then we are teaching this way cool teenage girl, Racheal who is now living with her aunt that's a member. She came to church yesterday and said she enjoyed it...teens I just can't read them.... good thing the spirits the teacher;)
We also have Angela who is scheduled to be baptized the 20th of Aug but she still hasn't gain that testimony for herself yet, so we are just postponing it. All in the Lord's timing!
We had a ward BBQ friday and the Meneni family came to that and their mom that's not  a member:) It was fun! It was right by the Columbia river and man I missed boating for like a split second but no worries I'm still working hard :)
I love this work and know without a doubt this is the Lord's work and I'm just his instrument! Good luck with school and everything! You'll be in my prayers!
Sister Toomer

Wow what a fast week! I can't believe I'm writing again. So this week was awesome we have been teaching people like crazy and that's my favorite part is the teaching. There is this 9year old girl named Kailyn that has made the awesome decision to get baptized on the 20th of Sept. Wohoo super excited for her! Then we are teaching this way cool teenage girl, Racheal who is now living with her aunt that's a member. She came to church yesterday and said she enjoyed it...teens I just can't read them.... good thing the spirits the teacher;)
We also have Angela who is scheduled to be baptized the 20th of Aug but she still hasn't gain that testimony for herself yet, so we are just postponing it. All in the Lord's timing!
We had a ward BBQ friday and the Meneni family came to that and their mom that's not  a member:) It was fun! It was right by the Columbia river and man I missed boating for like a split second but no worries I'm still working hard :)
I love this work and know without a doubt this is the Lord's work and I'm just his instrument! Good luck with school and everything! You'll be in my prayers!
Sister Toomer

Yes this is my last week in sad I've grown to love this area and all those who have helped me bloom;) Not gonna lie when I first got here it was intense I couldn't even get a hold of our bishop and I didn't even know where the church was. Remind you I was training a new missionary at this time. Now I know this area like the back of my hand well only because I've learned a ton from my Savior and have really drawn closer to him!
I'm headed to...Yakima! Oh ya I think I'm over a Young Single Adult ward and a regular family ward. And I'm going to be a Sister Training Leader. Which means I do exchanges with sisters close to my area and check on them I guess. Kinda crazy but it will be great!
I appreaciate all your support and love! Keep the letters coming if you can;) Love you all!
Sister Toomer

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Hot Hot Summer!!

Sister Toomer is melting! Here are some of her latest:
Man so this week we were literally melting popsicles it has been in the 100s since like last week but good news its going back down. We have great members that provide waters and even our investigators do as well. So no worries I'm good. This week was great we had a lot of lessons and there is this wonderful lady named Angela who is getting baptized Aug 20th and she is amazing! She goes beyond studying the scriptures I love it she is an example of feasting upon the word. She inspires me to want to be better at my studies! We are no longer in a trio:( Sister Pugh left Wednesday for Wenatchee. Sister Camplese has to put up with me and she does she is so amazing! She is a great example to me as well. I love this work and I appreciate all your motivation and inspiring letters. That was way fun to read over Travis's farewell talk he's pretty funny but he hasn't emailed me back yet...already to busy that's good :) Well I love you all and hope you have a great week! Don't forget to SMILE it's in the scriptures (Spiritually Minded Is Life Eternal) your homework is to find it;) xoxo
Sister Toomer

Hey, I am realizing more and more that I am just the Lord's instrument right now. It's the best! I love you all so much! This week was amazing we had tons of lessons and people were really open to hear the gospel! Brandon is finally getting baptized the 9th of Aug!!! That's the guy that got married. Then Angela is going to get baptized the 20th if she quits drinking Coffee. We had exchanges on Friday so I went to another Sisters area for the day and another Sister was with Sister Camplese and they just sparked our area up! We got tons of new investigators okay maybe like 2 but still that's 2 more souls we are trying to save;) And when I was in the other area we had a great day sharing what we know! I really do love this gospel! I know it's true with all my heart! Thank you for being so supportive!!! I'm praying for you mom! Sorry you got hurt you are a trooper! Love you all so much!
Sister Toomer